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    Wednesday, 4 February 2015

    Severed-thumb USB thumbdrive is disgustingly literal

    A promotional USB drive in the guise of a separate thumb at the same time is both comprehensive and excellent.

    USB thumb drive
    This USB drive gets a thumbs out.
    If you look on a USB thumbdrive, you have some expectations about its appearance. You might end protruding from a metal USB with a rectangular piece of plastic expect to see. Maybe it's a LED light or connector that pushes out of sight like with a sliding mechanism. I do not expect you recently removed from a donor that is a literal thumb.

    A severed thumb USB drive (PI anatomy ...
    Canadian photographer Justin Poulsen has gone there. To use a promotional mailer campaign thumb size thumbdrives create an eye-catching set. Poulsen has used a mold of his own thumb and leather working color model embedded in the USB drive. The paint job on the back of a cautious thumbs area complete with a bloody, frighteningly realistic look, making it a finishing touch added to each.

    thumbdrives Poulsen can help clients with a message that suggested that "stick out like a sore thumb." Post a common trick is definitely the graphics standard flat piece of card stock grabs more attention.

    Poulsen has often rather than doing everything digitally, their use in photography is to create small models and other physically. In this work he used body parts is disturbing is not the first time. He already holds a water bottle includes a gory hand created a zombie walk advertisement.

    You received in the mail a severed thumb USB drive so how would you feel? You for the great creativity and common sense will Poulsen hired, or you too will be earned out to answer?

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