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    Friday, 6 February 2015

    Got a great geeky love story? We want to hear it

    the techies and scientists, DIYers and fantasy fans - including love geeks, do things my own way. For you to celebrate your pride in how to apply the skills? For each of flirting funny story? Tell us about it.

    It's safe to say she said yes, and now is the key to the Tardis.
    Who does not love a good love story? After all, how do you "Will you marry me?", The question of a life-size Tardis entered the loving care could appreciate flashing above the door? Or an idea that has lent its magic custom-made "Harry Potter" set in Quidditch? Or plan of love and patience of a scientist has gone slow open 250 Tulip statement?

    With a penchant for passion and imagination - and, often, impressive technical skills - "the geeky" types believe that they know how to love. With Valentine's Day around the corner, our geeky love stories,readers would love to hear some. Maybe it's video games, Google Glass, a radio-controlled helicopter or 10,000 feet, including a free fall. Whatever your story, we want to celebrate it. And we are not talking here only suggestions. The story of how we met a geek or a joint ceremony - it relates to you and your girlfriend can be anything. Surprise us.

    9 pm PT, Thursday, February 12, from the subject line "geek love" with, dot com want to send your stories and photos, and to include your full name and location please. We are an upcoming feature story you can use.

    But you'll just ignore the V-Day this year, so obviously we can fully understand. Last year's "Valentine's Day Geek's Guide to gum" is to be.
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