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    Wednesday, 4 February 2015

    Premium wireless sound for a premium price

    In the last few months, Sennheiser $ 379 in a couple of years ago after starting out online selling them for less than $ 200, the original version of the highly regarded headphones speed is blown out. The reason for the price drop over the ear and ear Momentums new company includes new wireless model, that is hitting stores soon.

    Not surprisingly, those new models do not come cheap. We're seeing more ear-speed wireless (M2AEBT) (replaced £ 379,99, AU $ 620) 500 dollars carries a list price. In it, you still have time for a little less expensive headphone street looking for hope, and the actual speed of 200 dollars is a great deal while you can tell. Or, anyway, will soon be able to - but put aside the cost, speed wireless a Bluetooth headphone, you can purchase one of the best.

    Speed wireless large earcups and the pace is more relaxed.

    What's great about it? Well, for starters it's a very comfortable, well built is the headphone. Sennheiser over the ear and on-ear models that speed design has been tweaked. Both wired and wireless versions are also taking their headphones in the case when a small footprint that is a new folding design.

    New wired and wireless models in speed M2, Sennheiser better fit over the ear headphones too small and some users have complained that they were in the middle like (not pinch if nothing has made a big earcups ) headphone ear to ear over and over. Designers also moderated earcups.

    Bluetooth Bluetooth capabilities on top of it when the loss is considered to improve the sound APTX (also compatible wireless devices and NFC tap-to-pair of active noise cancellation technology features speed (using the Bluetooth 4.0 does), and APTX codec support). Furthermore, a connecting cable and a wired headset can be used as headphone. It sounds not only improves mood, but it plays louder.

    The headphones come in black or ivory, now has a folding design.

    Playback and volume controls, as well as on / off button on the power, have the right earcup, and I feel just by being able to work easily enough, had everything.

    There is no switch to turn it off - - but still 22 hours of battery life is very good noise cancellation, which is not too heavy, is always on. Noise cancellation worked well in the streets of New York and the integrated microphone, which is dual mics from my mobile phone to make calls worked great. You need to speak more loudly, which puts you in the headphones, as the talk you can hear your own voice.

    $ 379 Beats Studio in many ways, a direct competitor to wireless and active noise cancellation and many similar features, including the aforementioned dual mics do. Beats the best wireless headphone and just as comfortable. But Sennheiser tight bass and an overall more textures, better sound, better looks a little bit. This is not a huge difference, but a difference. We are in the process of reviewing the Parrot Zik 2.0, we looked better.

    These headphones include a carrying case.

    In the new speed at which lists for $ 350 M2, review sample and also features active noise cancellation. We then with a cable attached to the new wired to wireless speed than the speed, and the headphones sounded very similar.

    We addition to the new speed M2 (old) than speed. Especially in the bass (the old model, tight bass is a bit unclear), it is a little more zip. Profiles so that their voices, not only do the same, he said.

    The right earcup control CLOSEUP.

    As with anything, some people prefer the old sound, and would prefer something new. No one, however, deny that there are more comfortable than mine new speed model.

    I can not tell you exactly how to compare speed wireless speed wireless is mine. In just a short on the show floor at CES was to listen to the ear wireless, and my impression is much more balanced than mine pace got a touch more bass and treble push a little faster, more it was interesting that wireless headphones.

    Initial results
    At the same speed wireless as well as wired headphones that performs better one is the best and well-designed wireless headphone feel comfortable saying. If you can afford it, it's great.

    However, I think we get up to speed on the new ear headphone models at least feel comfortable putting the final classification. Hopefully, that will be soon.
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    Item Reviewed: Premium wireless sound for a premium price Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Unknown
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